Mint Chevron

Friday, January 11, 2013

20 Months, Week 1

Happy 20 Month Birthday, Olivia Marie!  I can't even begin to think about the fact that in 4 months you will turn 2.  It's just not possible!  It seems like just yesterday, I was using my tummy as a snack tray while you rolled around inside.  You can't see her it all of her shirt in this picture, but it says, "Smart Cookie".  This week, she certainly proved that!

 Before we got back into the grove of work, daycare, etc. we enjoyed one last weekend of freedom as a family. We went out for dinner on Saturday night.  Olivia enjoyed her dessert and we burned off ours by chasing her around the restaurant afterwards!

On Sunday, we cheered on our Colts.  Although they had one of the cutest cheerleaders around cheering for them, it wasn't quite enough to get the win.  Oh well!  They had a great season and I'm sure Olivia will be rooting them on next year!

And check out my big helper!  She is still loving Gymboree (and we still love taking her, especially in the winter when it is too cold to play outside).  Afterwards, we had to make a quick Target run and Olivia wanted to give us a hand with the shopping.  She grabbed a basket and found some new shirts for herself.  At least they were on clearance and will be big enough for next year.

 Does this look like the face of someone who is sick? Someone decided that going to daycare four days in a row was enough for her and she deserved a three day weekend.  She started waking up a few times during the night (which usually only happens when she is sick) and so we scrambled the next morning to work out schedules so she could stay home (thanks for the speedy rescue Grandma Sue!).  When I called home to check on the patient, Josh informed me she was RUNNING around the house and playing.  Josh took her to story time at the library while we waited for Grandma Sue to arrive so Josh could finally head to work.  Well played Olivia, well played!

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