Mint Chevron

Sunday, June 9, 2013

24 Months, Weeks 3 and 4

School's out for summer! Ahhhh!  I'm so excited to have some time off with my favorite girlie to have some new adventures!  I took these pics of Livi on her first and last days of full time daycare.  It's kinda shocking to see how much she grew in 9 months.  Look at her hair!  It's funny to see how different that outfit looks too!

Grampy and Grammy also stopped by for a visit.  Livi had a fun time picking flowers for them (and practicing her tickling skills).  She also helped them pick up lunch.  She's so helpful!

We made it to the zoo for our first trip of the year.  Livi really wanted to see monkeys (thankfully the baboons met her approval) and birdies.  She also really enjoyed the dog show.  We can't wait to go back again!

She has also become a little sponge.  She not only repeats the things we say, (such as "See ya!") but tries to copy our actions too.  I supposed this isn't my worst habit for her to copy!  She also comes up with the funniest comments.  The other day we asked her how old she is.  She told us, "Two."  Then I asked her old Mommy is (a potentially dangerous question!) and she said, "Three." Josh then said, "How old is Daddy?" and she said, "Six." Hahaha! 

One of the best things about summer vacation is getting to have play dates with our friends.  First up, was a visit with the Abraham girls.  We went to the Cool Creek Nature Center & Park.  The girls had fun swinging, sliding, coloring, and running.  Livi also proved she is a 50% Josh and 50 % me.  She took off running on one of the trails in the woods and was clearly having a ball.  She then fell and stood up screaming, "My hands! My hands dirty!"  (I'll let you decide which aspect is Josh and which is me.)  After all of our outdoor fun, it was time to head for some lunch at Steak N Shake.  All that running sure does make you hungry for a milkshake!

On the second weekend, Josh unfortunately had to spend a great deal of it at work so Livi and I were flying solo.  Thankfully, we scheduled some play dates which was a big help.  We went to the Gymboree "Bubble Bash" and dinner with the Abraham fam on Friday.  On Saturday,  Livi and I went with our friends Jackie and Kalman to pick strawberries.  It was our first time picking strawberries and I'm not sure she really enjoyed it as much as she did running up and down the rows of strawberries.  But, Kalman was SO patient with Olivia!  He was nice enough to come to our house the next day while Jackie had a photo shoot and help me entertain Olivia.  They played really well and he really was a big help!

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