Mint Chevron

Sunday, August 18, 2013

2 Years, Month 4, Weeks 1 and 2

Sigh, this week marked the end of my summer break.  Summer breaks have always gone by quickly, but now they seem to move at warp speed.  We did manage to pack in quite a bit of fun over the summer though!  Since we kicked off the summer with a play date with the Abraham girls, it seemed only fitting that we have one more with them this week.  Again, I'm so thankful that all of my good friends who were pregnant at the same time I was also had little girls! 

Livi has also been test driving vehicles when she goes to the store with Daddy.  I would've pictured her as more of a convertible kind of girl, but whatever make her happy!  She usually does march to the beat of her own drum!

Daddy also finished a pantry for Livi's ever growing kitchen.  She was pretty excited to have somewhere to store her dishes.  I am also happy to not be tripping over those dishes any more!

Livi and Daddy also had one of their famous Daddy Daughter Date Nights while I enjoyed a Girls Night Out with some of my gal pals.  Livi enjoyed her favorite "cheese soup" and some cuddle time with Daddy.  It was a great evening for everyone!

Should we be concerned that when went out for lunch, Olivia headed straight for the bar?  At least she didn't try to order any thing!  After that, we removed the temptation by going to Steak n Shake for dinner and capped off with a trip to Target.  Josh decided to help control the impulse purchases by finding a cart that was big enough for the two shoppers in the family.

Unfortunately for Josh, they don't have those carts at the mall!  Olivia does like to accessorize, but we didn't go too crazy with our purchases!

Grammy arrived the night before I returned to school for the first leg of the baby-sitting duties.  And she brought quite the present with her - a wagon!  Olivia loves it!  She likes to ride in it and pull it too.  We may have finally found a more attractive option than the stroller (which Livi often insists she does not need)!

Grammy and Grandma Sue traded places mid-week for baby-sitting duty.  It is always nice to have both of them here when I return to work because it's one less thing I have to worry about and it helps to ease my working mom guilt.  We finally made it to the last "Animals and all that Jazz" of the summer at the Indianapolis Zoo.  The weather was awesome and since most schools were back in session we practically had the place to ourselves!

Gymboree had a special event on Friday with the Carmel Fire Department.  Olivia was a little hesitant of the trucks and the firemen at first, but by the end she was eagerly crawling into the driver's seat with her friend Kendall and ringing the bell.

In a moment of "well you don't see that every day!" we had some special visitors in our neighborhood over the weekend.  Some of our neighbors were hosting a wedding and a horse and carriage were waiting for the bride and groom.  We live in a pretty suburban area, so it's not too often that we see animals beyond dogs and cats on the street!

Go speed racer go!  Livi got an early Christmas present from Papa and Grandma, a purple Schwinn tricycle.  She's still working on figuring out how to peddle, but hey what good are grown-ups for than to push her up and down the side walk while she rings the bell?  Where is the time going?  Next week, she starts preschool!

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