Mint Chevron

Sunday, July 14, 2013

2 Years, Month 3, Week 1

This has been a jam packed week of fun!  On our drive back from Papa and Grandma's, Olivia made up a new "game" in which she asked, "Mommy, where are you?" over and over and over.  Sigh, as long as was entertained!

When we (finally) made it home, we had to hit the ground running.  First up, pottery class!  I was bummed that I had to go to the dentist and miss this, but thankfully Daddy was able to re-arrange his schedule so he could take Livi.  He was probably a better choice anyway as he used to be quite the potter.

 Next up was dinner and a concert with our neighbors, the Patridges.  Their daughter, Brynn is a little bit younger than Olivia but they still have a blast playing together.  Olivia LOVED LOVED LOVED riding in Brynn's wagon.  Lately, we have been having some battles about riding (or should I say staying in) the stroller. But the wagon was a great option.


On Thursday, we caught up with the Galyens for lunch and Family Fun Time at the InterActive Academy.  Livi once again reminded me that she has no fear nor does she realize she is only two.  She headed straight for everything geared for the older kids.  She attacks everything full steam and never looks back (with her mother trailing behind her panicking!).  After all that fun, we had to go for some frozen yogurt to try and replenish some of that energy!

That night was also Target Family night at the Children's Museum.  After a much needed nap after our fun with the Galyens, Livi was ready to go again.  She rode the carousel with Daddy (she needed a little bit of prompting and encouragement to try it!), had a tea party with teddy bears, saw the doll house, made some new friends in Mr. Bear's Playhouse, and did a pretty good job rocking the replica boots from Avatar.

We've been so excited to have Daddy home with us on Fridays for the summer.  Since the weather has been so nice, we headed to the Indianapolis Zoo in the morning.  We spent a good part of our visit at the White River Gardens.  Livi loved seeing all the butterflies and flowers.  She also liked seeing the train running through the gardens.  We gave the Zoo's carousel a try as well and it went much better than our previous attempt at the Children's Museum.  She also knows the sounds most animals make, but if you ask her what sound Livi makes she will tell you, "Kisses!"

On Friday night, Josh's bosses hosted a party at Dave and Busters to thank their department for all of their hard work on a big project.  They had great food and gave everyone cards to use for the video games.  Livi was quite the winner.  She won enough tickets for two Hello Kitty stuffed animals!

On Saturday, we headed to the splash pad at Billericay Park. Unlike her mama, Livi has no problem running right into cold water!

Later that day, we also had a little splashing fun of our own at home.  There's just something about running through sprinklers that says summer to me.  It's no wonder after all the places we went this week, Livi now names Target, Starbucks ("The Coffee Store"), Menards, and Gymboree (Play and Music) when she sees their buildings/logos.  I'm not sure whether I should be proud or embarrassed!

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