Olivia is now on week two of her ear infection. Unfortunately, the Amoxicillin was not strong enough to get rid of the infection and so a stronger antibotic, Augmentin, was needed. So, here's to hoping it gets rid of that nasty ear infection once and for all. We go back to the pediatrician next week for a weight re-check and also for them to check her ears.

This week she weighed 12 pounds, 9.4 ounces. The lactation consultants at our Mommy and Me group commented she is very active for her age and because of this will probably always be on the petite side. Why do I feel like this is a preview of a conversation I will have when she goes to school..."Mrs. Banks, Olivia is very sweet but she has a hard time staying in her seat."

Grandma and Grandpa Szafarczyk stopped by for a quick "Olivia Fix" over the weekend. One of the unfortunate side effects of the ear infection is that Olivia wakes up every few hours during the night from the pain. (Poor baby!) This means Josh and I also get up every few hours. This gets a little tiring since we also have to get up and go to work the next day. So, I was more than a little happy when they volunteered to watch Olivia for a few hours so we could get some extra sleep!

Josh continues to have a standing lunch date with Miss O. What a lucky guy! Of course, sometimes their play date gets postponed because Olivia is napping. Other times, she saves a nap for their drive home. Here she is unwinding with her travel peeps, Bonnie the Bunny and Enrique Elefante, after long day of play at day care.