Mint Chevron

Friday, July 6, 2012

13 Months, Week 4

Happy Fourth of July from our little firecracker!  Hats (or headbands and bows for that matter) still aren't her favorite thing, but she looked awfully cute decked out in her red, white, and blue (thanks Grandma and Grammy!)

They also had a parade at Olivia's daycare to celebrate the 4th.  I was so bummed I had to miss it due to being sick, but from the pictures it looks like Olivia had a ball playing Grand Marshall!

While I was under the weather, Olivia and Josh took great care of me.  They went and got me some sherbet (one of my sick time favorites) to help my sore throat.  Over the last few weeks, Olivia has also started giving hugs.  Sometimes she does it while you are holding her.  Other times she will sneak up behind you , grab your legs, and rest her head on your knees.  It is seriously the sweetest thing in the world!  And a great cure for whatever ails you!

We enjoyed a pretty low key day on the fourth.  We all thought we'd beat the heat and go swimming a bit later in the day with our good friends, the Galyens.  Little did we know it was still going to be 90+ degrees at 7:00 at night!  Oh well, we still had lots of fun!  Look how cute the kiddos were in their jammies!

Speaking of the heat, did I mention we have set records with the high temps this week?  Oh. My. Word.  It has been absolutely miserable to be outside for more than 30 seconds unless you are in a pool or at a sprinkler park.  So that's just where we have been when we ventured outside of the house.  You know it's bad when a trip to Walmart sounds good because it's nice and cool inside!

Another favorite indoor location has been Gymboree.  Olivia LOVES it and it's a great way for her to burn off some of her extra energy without melting into a puddle.

And who knew Lowe's had timeout stalls in their bathroom department? I guess some people might use them for showers, but they also work great if you have an active toddler who isn't really jazzed about sitting in the cart.

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