Mint Chevron

Friday, November 23, 2012

18 Months, Week 2

Ok, I know I'm a little biased, but is this seriously not the most beautiful girl you have ever seen?  Those big blue eyes, long eyelashes, and pretty golden locks - what a knockout!  Last weekend, our good friend and professional photographer, Jackie Magdich took Olivia's 18 month pictures.  Jackie has taken pictures of our family since it was just Josh, Tink, and I.  We love her work and she always manages to capture great pictures of Olivia even when she is being less than cooperative!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous so we headed outside to Stonycreek Farms.  We had not been there before but will definitely go back!

I love these pictures because they really capture Olivia's spirit.  Even when she is also dressed up, she is still an animal and nature lover at heart.  After we did a quick ensemble change, we started to head to where the pine trees were planted so we could take some family photos.  As we were walking, Olivia spotted a barn with some animals and made a beeline for them.  She wanted so badly to give them hugs and pet them, but her nervous/overprotective mommy had to draw the line!

And it was no easy feat getting this busy girl to "sit" for many pictures!  She likes to be busy and on the move.

I just love our little family! It's amazing how someone so little can change your life so much!

Being that cute, certainly works up appetite!  After our photo session, it was off to dinner at Houlihan's.  She wasn't necessarily a big fan of the flower in her hair, but everyone else sure liked it!

On Wednesday, we were able to get in to see Dr. Patterson (the allergist).  Based on Olivia's medical history and pictures we took of  a her rash, he felt she is most likely allergic to penicillin.  He recommended she just avoid penicillin in the future because the testing for penicillin allergies is too invasive and can only be done at the Mayo Clinic (due to her age).  Sounds like an easy enough plan!

Unfortunately, this is how we spent our Thanksgiving day.  We had big plans to celebrate with Josh's side of the family; however, when we woke up on Thursday morning Olivia had a high fever and wasn't acting like her usual high energy self.  The ONLY good thing about when she is sick is that she is usually very cuddly.  While I would never wish for her to be sick, spending the day curled up in bed watching movies as a family was awfully nice!

Thanksgiving day or not, this little girl gives us so much to be thankful for every day!

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