Mint Chevron

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm more of a spaghetti pasta kind of gal...

22 weeks: Baby is as long as a spaghetti squash

Your baby has stretched to the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs almost a pound. (Length: nearly 11 inches.)

We are slowly getting back into the post-holiday swing of things. Normally, I have the Christmas tree and decorations down and loaded into the attic by now. But, I am battling a yucky cold that is slowing me down a bit. Oh well, I can always tackle it next weekend. Josh at least got the lights down on the outside of the house, so as long as we keep the drapes in living room shut, no one will ever know the decorations are still up. :-)

While my mom and I were shopping in Chicago last week, we saw this shirt at Gap Maternity. It was too cute and too good of a deal to pass up. No pressure Baby Girl, we know you will be a genius in one form or another! You can also see that things are moving right along!


  1. I am no longer shopping just for my granddaughter, but my lovely daughter as well. Glad you like the clothes. That shirt beautiful on you!!!
