Mint Chevron

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mango Madness

23 weeks: Baby is the size of a large mango

Your baby weighs about as much as a large mango -- just over a pound. (Length: more than 11 inches.)

Shopping for baby continues and as Josh will attest, so does my indecision! For some reason since becoming pregnant I feel overwhelmed when it comes to making decisions. I have been looking at paint swatches for months, spending every free minute looking in stores and online for cribs, and wandering around the lighting department trying to find a ceiling fan. It's not that I don't find anything I like. Often, I find two or three options and can't pull the trigger and just pick one already. I fret over the color, safety, the price, you name it. Sigh...

Although, occasionally I do see something and just know I have to buy it. The onesie below was a no brainer!

So, baby girl may not have a bed to sleep in or a dresser to put all her clothes in, but she has plenty of choices of what to wear! BUT, I did manage to decide on a design for her closet so she will be able to hang up her clothes! See, I can make decisions!


  1. She will be a 5th generation shopper. Nanny, Grandma Pigg, Grandma Sue, Mommy Stephanie, and Baby Girl Banks!!!!

  2. I saw that onesie and almost bought it, then I thought, "Um, self, Steph has probably already purchased this, in multiple sizes!!" :)
