Mint Chevron

Monday, May 9, 2011

Her buns are still in the oven!

40 weeks: Baby is the size of a small pumpkin

Your baby is probably around the size of a small pumpkin.

The average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds and is about 20 inches long.

I have to admit that I am one of those naive people that assumed when the doctor tells you your baby's due, she actually comes by that date. However, a due date is really just a best guess. And Baby Banks is still doing her hair! I mean it is one of the biggest entrances she will ever make!

Although, I'm not dilated and Baby Banks appears to be in no hurry to join us on the outside, the doctor assures us she is still doing fine! Currently weighing in between 7 and 7 1/2 lbs with a heart rate of 143 beats, Baby Banks just decided the 9th doesn't work for her birthday. Perhaps, she doesn't want to be a Taurus?

One of the other fun things when you bypass your due is that you get to start going to the doctor TWICE a week! Lovely! The doctor again assured us that this is completely normal. On the upside, if we don't get to hold her by Thursday we'll at least get to see her via an ultrasound. Woo-hoo! The last time we had an ultrasound was at 20 weeks, so I think this is long over due. So, stay tuned!

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