It's hard to believe it's been a whole week since Miss Olivia was born. We have had a few rough nights, but overall things are going quite well! It has been a big week of firsts for Olivia...
She had her first car ride as we left the hospital:

(Of course I played "Haven't Met You Yet" for her and got choked up!)
We went to the pediatrician's office for the first time for a routine check up

(Did I mention she hates being strapped into her car seat? Although, once in the car she usually falls right to sleep. Like mother like daughter!)
Olivia also got to have her first (sponge) bath. She's not necessarily a fan of baths yet, but I think she will be one day!

Since the weather was finally decent, we went on our first walk around the park at the end of our street.

I don't think Tinker has ever been so happy to be around his new sister!
And she wouldn't be my daughter without getting to do a few of my favorite things...shopping and eating out! Our first shopping trip (of many!) was to the Fashion Mall

We wrapped up Olivia's first week (and Grandma Sue's birthday) with dinner at Macaroni Grill

All and all, a very good (and busy) first week with Miss Olivia!

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